900-1000 Calories A Day Of Ice Cream

At the moment I'm eating ice cream every day.

900-1000 calories of mine are coming from ice cream every single day.

Knowing that those calories are assumed every day actually makes me more health conscious.

I mentally start my day at a handicap of 1000 calories and work backwards from their to hit my:

- calorie target

- protein target

- fibre target

- fruit and vegetable target

Boundaries don't disadvantage us, they empower us.

They allow us to do what we have to do with what we have to get a desired result.

Just like a workout program.

It limits us to certain exercises but it empowers us to do what we need to do with what we have to build muscle.

Same with a calorie number, macros, weekly check-ins and continuous email support.

They are boundaries for you to operate in that empower you to maximize your efficiency and results.


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