5 Tips I Would Tell 14 Year Old Brock

I made a lot of mistakes with my training and nutrition over 11 years.

I started as a 14 year old keen as a bean with absolutely no knowledge but no shortage of drive.

Every lunch time, I was in the gym.

Every study period, I was in the gym… "studying" (but really I was lifting weights)

Every weekend I wasn’t playing sport, I was in the gym lifting.

Here’s 5 things I would’ve told 14 year old Brock if I could go back on time:

#2 Focus on form. If your form compromises because the weight is too heavy, reduce it.

I was shrugging 200kg on the barbell shrug for as man reps as possible before my back would hurt so much I would have to stop #egolifting #bodybuilding #gainz

#3 Learn from the correct sources of info. I spent hours on hours on hours reading interviews from roided up fitness models talking about their training split, their nutrition and their approach to fitness.

I remember eating 1/2 a Grapefruit revery morning religiously because Ulisses Jr. said he did.

I’d google how much 6 oz of chicken was in grams so I could have the exact amount and google what fish Tilapa was and if they had it in New Zealand.

I’d try and complete their workouts and be stuffed after the first 6 exercises…. And there were 6 left LOL

I’d never heard of the words calorie deficit or calorie surplus. I didn’t even know what a calorie was!

I just knew eat big to get big, so all I did was eat! I was 87.5kgs at 17 years old (my current weight now over 10 years later).

#4 Stay away from a deficit. Prioritise building muscle while you’re going through puberty and developing as an adult.

#5 Looking big doesn’t fix your confidence. I was "big" and all the boys (my mates) at high school said that my body was "mean" (NZ slang for awesome).

But I was still super shy and struggled talking to girls.

Last but not least…


All of this could’ve been prevented if I had a good coach educating me on the basics while I was beginning to lift.

I would’ve saved my self a lot of sore backs, hundreds of hours and many, many embarrassing moments in the gym!

So if you’re new to this world of training and nutrition and find yourself a bit lost.

You’re lower back, wrinkles and bank account will thank you for it!


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