Your Local Tour Guide, Brock Ashby

Visiting Coron Islands today, all the 'classic' tourist spots that had all the hype around them, weren't as exciting as thought to be.

On the contrary, the less populated, local areas were much better and exceeded expectations.

Reminded me of the fitness industry, everyone crowding around certain ideas/diet/training styles and the results being misleading or misunderstood.

When the 'locals' of the fitness industry know how to get straight to the good part.. results!

Everyone crowds around..

Low fat

Low carb


Intermittent fasting


Cross fit


Pump class

They definitely serve a purpose and can yield great results for some but fail to be tailored and personalised and tend to be less enjoyable then having something tailored to what you love... once again... results!

Hi, my name is Brock, you can call me your local tour guide!

Let me guide you straight to your results!


Don't Be Like Palawan Wi-Fi


What Nobody Talks About...