How To Make Your Time Your Friend ⏱

"Time magnifies the margin between success and failure. It will multiply whatever you feed it. Good habits make time your ally, bad habits make time your enemy."

What you do with your time determines who you are.

Whatever you're doing must align with everything you want to achieve.

Whether it's to be a good parent or to lose 10kg.

Time can be your ally, or time can be your enemy.

If time's your ally, keep at it.

If it's your enemy, the ways you're trying to achieve your goals are wrong.

Your workouts aren't lining up with the principles of training.

Your diet isn't aligned with the calorie goal it needs to be.

You lifestyle is working against you, when it could work for it.

Your energy is wasted.

Now I'm not here to shout at you what you're doing wrong, although it's good to hear that every now and again, I'm here to tell you that there's a better way.

You're not wrong,
the systems you're using are wrong.

But if you want a "system" I've been working on and perfecting for over three years now that I know brings results.


Only Open This If You Have 3 Distraction-Free Minutes ✅


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