Prevention Before Intervention
Finally recovering from being sick and it's really hit one message really strong to me.
Prevention before intervention.
It's way, way, way better to stop something before it comes than to deal with it when it's too late.
Sleeping for 11 hours is not normal for me but at the moment that has been all I have wanted to do.
Eat honey and drink tea is all I want to do also. Not me.
All I had to do to prevent it was simple:
- Wash my hands (a lot). Don't worry, I wash my hands when I pee.
- Don't touch my face.
- Use knuckles to touch screens as much as possible as opposed to fingertips because we often touch our face with our fingers.
- Drink a lot of water.
- Sleep adequate hours.
- Eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables.
See, I did all of these except sleep adequate hours.
Conclusion of it all, I'm going to get my sleep!
I'm going to make a conscious effort to sleep more than 4 hours daily!
Just like working out and eating healthy, most people do it when it's too late.
I'm here to be that 8 hours of sleep you need daily to prevent getting sick before it's too late.
Before you have obesity.
Before you lose motivation and throw in the towel.
Before you have a serious health problem.
Prevention before intervention!