⚠️ Open This For A Punch In The Face ⚠️

Wanna hear a cool quote?

"If it is to be, it is up to me."

The less we excuse ourselves and blame others, the more ownership we take.

The more ownership we take, the more action we take.

The more action we take, the more results we get.

The more results we get, the more motivation we get to keep taking action.

And this starts the cycle of getting sh*t done and ultimately being who you want to be.

Want to transform your body? Take ownership for the extra kg you put on.

Want to get a new job? Take ownership to seek out job interviews.

Want to make more money? Take ownership and new initiatives to start a side business as well as your 9-5.

Want to be happier? Take ownership for why you're not happy and make the changes necessary.

I know it feels like I'm punching you in the face... Confrontation hurts.

But it's a catalyst for change.


Day Off Tomorrow, No Stress


A Quick Word From Me... It's Friday