Off 2 The Beach, C Ya
Soon we're heading off to the beach.
Second day in a row.
Playing with the footy.
Playing UNO.
And for me to enjoy that without feeling like I haven't done my work, I need to empty my emails, write my programs , post on insta, answer questions on my stories and get back to anyone I need to get back to.
Work hard, play hard type a thing.
But the real principle to take away is to get your work done first thing so you don't have to do it later.
That’s why you're receiving this email now, before I go to the beach.
That's why I tell my clients to workout in the morning if they're time short so it's "outta the way".
And get a big hit of protein for breakfast so you don't have to eat as much protein throughout the day.
Work hard first, play hard later.
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