Rain outside, Desert inside

Today in Sydney is a pretty average day.

The only reason being the weather.

It's 14 degrees and pissing down with rain.

I'm getting ready to hit the gym and I love training on rainy days as the gym is usually a desert.

The rain scares people away.

It's like people think it rains inside the gym too.

Regardless of the reason there's less people, if you're intrinsically motivated, you'll train rain, hail or shine.

When you're internally driven the weather doesn't stop you, whether you're training inside or outside amongst the puddles or the unbearable heat.

It may slow you down but it won't stop you.

Which is why it's so important to have a strong reason to achieve your goal.

Do you want to be healthy for your children?

Do you want to be an example to your friends and family?

Do you want more overall confidence in your personal and professional life?

Whatever it is, make sure that reason pushes you through bad weather, feelings of laziness and any distractions.


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