On The Back Of Yesterdays E-mail...

On the back of yesterdays email on getting out of our comfort zone, I was thinking a lot about it this morning.

And it's like the swing to a golf match.

The steering wheel to a formula 1 car.

Water to the human race.

It's essential for success.

We do everything we can to avoid being outside our comfort zone, yet that’s the exact thing we need to move forward.

The main ingredient.

To get stronger, we need to lift a weight we’ve never lifted.

To get to a low body fat we've never achieved, we need to be more consistent than we've ever been before.

To get the pay rise we want, we need to have that awkward conversation we've been dreading for weeks.

Stepping outside our comfort zone is exactly what we hate: awkwardness, uncertainty, vulnerable etc etc...

But if we want to achieve ANYTHING we set our minds to in this life we live, I can guarantee you it’ll be uncomfortable.

Inside or outside the gym.


*out of office*


A Little Drawing I Stole From The Net #notanartist