Bating Birds In The Pool
Woke up this morning to a Kookaburra swimming in the pool.
They do it to get rid of lice and clean up a bit apparently.
Looks a bit weird at first but after a while it makes sense.
They're cleaning themselves, doing their part to stay alive.
A bit like tracking your calories and weighing your food.
It's a bit weird at first but then it clicks and makes sense to be accurate with your calories and macros to get accuracy and ultimately results.
Even working out is weird at first.
Some exercises you're putting your butt up in the air in front of randoms or putting your legs and arms in strange positions.
Weird at first right?
But makes complete sense after you do it for 4-8 weeks and look in the mirror to see more muscle.
What can we learn from the kookaburra?
Sometimes you have to do uncomfortable things that feel a bit weird to get the things we want in life.
Like this year I asked Kiki to marry me to have the wife of my dreams.
Not the most comfortable thing to do but essential to get what I wanted.
Which is why in Team Brock Ashby, I want you to understand that if you join the team you're not getting a free ride.
You'll have to swim in the pool like the kookaburra did.
You'll have to lift weights you've never lifted.
Be more consistent than you've ever been before in order to get great results.
The journey doesn't finish when you join.
The journey starts when you roll up your sleeves and get stuck into it.