You Have To Read The Quote At The End #BOOM

Today I got my ass handed to me doing a 4km run, 50 burpees, 50 sand cleans, 300m sprint and a 200m sprint/swim up against 4 complete athletes.

Some serious athletes.

Crossfit games athletes, triathletes, runners, surfers, ultra marathon-ers etc.

I’m no endurance athlete (that’s for sure), the last run I did was 21k in 2018 😂

But the only reason I got hammered this morning on the iconic Bondi Beach was because I haven’t put in the work for my endurance.

I don’t run.

I don’t swim.

I don't even jog.

I get my steps and lift weights.

I train completely different to the other athletes.

If you want to get to a certain level, you have to train to that level.

If you want to be a gun runner, you need to train like a gun runner.

If you want to be shredded, you need to train and diet like a shredded person would.

If you want to be wealthy, you have to work your ass off to accumulate that wealth.

It’s pretty simple but it needs to be said because too many people complain about their results but their work ethic doesn’t match what it takes to get there.

Set a goal.

Work as hard, and as smart, as you need to get that goal.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Which is the common thread between all the transformations in Team Brock Ashby.

The work ethic matches the transformation.

The consistency matches the transformation.

Which brings a nice quote to mind...

"We do not rise to the level of our goals.
We fall to the systems we set in place to get there."


Winning Isn't Everything, Learning Is


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