Ziggy's Got New Parents

For the next couple of weeks Kiki and I are dog sitting Ziggy.

When we first got home and tried to take him for a walk he scuttled and hid around the back of the house because he was scared.

We were unfamiliar.

We were unknown to him which freaked him out.

Kinda like what we do when we don't understand something...

Which is why in Team Brock Ashby I'm about the education behind training, diet and lifestyle.

Because just like the more Ziggy became familiar with Kiki and I the more he embraced us, the more we understand about training, diet and lifestyle, the more we can embrace it and utilise it to get us to our goals.

There's nothing to be afraid of, just more to be aware of.


We Gotta DEAL


Old Me, Old Goals... The New "New Year, New Me"