Turning Neggy's to Pozzy's (my best email to date)

We can literally think our futures into existent.

And I know that sounds so "self help" and so "2021 entrepreneur" but i'm here to tell you it's true without the BS sprinkled all over it.

Look at this example with me...

Let's say you have a parent that isn't around much when you're young and you have to grow up quicker than most.

You can look back at that in older years and be angry because you felt abandonment and maybe that's why you cling to others when you feel a sense of love.


You could also look back at it and let it help you understand why you are such a caring individual.

Our past experiences stay the same but our future changes depending on the perspective we choose to see them with, therefore withholding the power to change our current trajectory.

You can look in the mirror and see a fat person, or you can see a person that has never been so ready to make a change in their life.

You can look at your bank account and feel sorry for yourself or you can feel empowered that it can't get worse and you can take action to make things better.

You literally decide what your future looks like.

So what is it?

Are you going to be better or are you going to stay the same?


Now... Do it now


You Should, Trust Me