How To Get What You Want


This is the view from my window.

I wanted this water view ever since I moved to Sydney.

I spend a lot of time on my laptop and I wanted to enjoy a good view while I worked.

So I put it on my gratitude list, declared it, put the work in and got it (paid for it haha).

There's one thing I mentioned there that most people miss...

Putting. The. Work. In.

I know a lot of people that want to be entrepreneurs.

They write a business plan, get a logo made up but never launch because they can't put in the hard yards of cold calling, putting themselves out there online, doing the boring admin work and putting in more than 40 hours of work per week.

I work around 70-80 hours of work per week.

Not to gloat about how much I work (because it's not really something to gloat about) but to give you an idea of the amount of hours you have to put in to get a young business off the ground.

A lot of people want to lose weight but don't remain consistent with the calorie deficit.

A lot of people don't want to gossip but all they can do is b*tch about others instead of talking about the positive sides of people.

You have to put in the work.

Put in the reps.

It's not complicated.

Desire + Work + Results.


Quote For You... You Aren't Who You Say You Are


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