How Embarrassing 🤭😳

Do I have a coach?

Well yes, I do.

I have a business coach I catch up with fortnightly.

I have a marketing coach I also catch up with fortnightly.

I'm also currently looking for a property coach/mentor to help guide Kiki and I with our investments.

And I guess I'm my own personal trainer/coach from applying everything I learn from studying daily.

I have no shame in acknowledging that there are people out there way, way, way smarter than me that I pay to make me better.

The day you think you have nothing to learn is the day you lose.

Im not very good at many things but am good at one or two things, which I really pride myself in.

Sticking at what I do best.

Getting people results and allowing other people teach me what they know about topics that I don't currently have the time to learn about.

Humbling yourself to be coached is not embarrassing, it's empowering.

Dropping six figures on an apartment and realising that you'll get no capital growth is embarrassing.

Spending years in the gym and weighing your food and getting no results is embarrassing.

Don't be embarrassed, be empowered in Team Brock Ashby.


Newborn Strength 💪


Why I quit my job to go broke.... 👨🏻‍💻