One Decision, New Life 🤩


I've only worked out once since I've been on holiday.

Feeling a bit sluggish to bee honest but I've been doing what I can.

Hiking, ice skating, swimming, running through the forest.

Doing what you can is better than doing nothing.

Walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

Doing a 20min session instead of skipping a session.

These small decisions accumulate to create the person that you become.

Which is all I ask of you.

Make a small decision to join TBA and that will help your actions accumulate to the person you wish to be.

With the help of:
- workouts
- nutrition guidance
- educational videos
- accountability

All available and accessible in Team Brock Ashby.


What I've Learnt From The Native NZ Bush 🌿


Visiting My Mother, My Motivation 🙏