How To Put Points On The Board For Your Day ⛹🏻‍♂️

There's forks in the road you get to in each day.

Will you:

A) Snooze for 10 more mins.

B) Get up and start the day.

Will you:

A) Work out

B) Watch an Ozark episode

Etc etc

And I want you to look at each of those decisions as points on the board.

When you choose the option that makes you better, you get a point.

When you choose an option that's the easy way out, you lose a point.

The more points you put on the board, the better chance you have of winning the day.

The less points you score, the lower the chance is that you'll win the day.

Not a revolutionary thought but a practical one that you can apply today.

Will a decision make you stronger or weaker?

Will a decision make you better or worse?

Will a decision make you grow in confidence or lower it?

You decide.


Are you Ediocre-may? (Pig Latin)


Stop Wishing & Start Working FFS