Can A Fat Coach Be Your Coach?

The other day on my stories, I asked people what frustrations they have with fitness and someone typed "Fat Coaches".

I was like,"You what mate?"

I'm all for a bit of banter but just because a coach is fat is absolutely no reason to avoid their coaching service.

What if this coach has gone from over-fat to fat? That's huge progress.

What if the coach has the knowledge that you need to get better as a lifter?

What if the coach struggles with binge eating and is working through deep personal issues?

Don't judge a book by a cover and that...

I can understand that you may not want to train with a coach that doesn't live the principles that he/she preaches, doesn't have a large catalogue of testimonials or much knowledge, that happens to be fat.

But being fat isn't the reason you shouldn't take the coach up as your coach, it's the fact that they aren't a good fit for you.

If you want to train with me just because I have a 6 pack, I don't want your business.

There's tons of people on insta with a 6 pack.

I want you to train with me because I can make you better.

I want you to train with me because I have a huge range of education that you can watch at your leisure.

I want you to train with me because I get you from where you are to your goal.


A Paragraph To Get You Back Into The Game ⚽️


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