Why You Have No Aspirations & Will Do Nothing About It

Today is one of those days where I open up my laptop and say...

"Well what the hell am I going to write about today?"

So I told myself that as soon as I make a coffee I'll sit down and pump an email out.

And that's all you need most of the time.

A pep talk.

A nudge in the right direction to slap yourself out of complacency.

A guide on where to put your next step.

You are a creature of habit and once you find a routine that works for you, you do your best not to change it because 'it works'.

You stay at your job because 'it works' even though it's the most unfulfilling part of your day.

You stay with your partner because 'it works' even though you may be bored out of your brains and are keeping one foot in the door but also one foot out.

You don't have any aspirations because 'it works' to play it safe and that way you're safe from people laughing at you if you fail.

You know what I say to that?

F*** that.

That sounds like a slow boring waste of life.

An auto-pilot flight to your death bed.

So here I am, presenting you an opportunity to get out of the lull you find yourself in.

There's nothing wrong with feeling like your life has come to a halt.

But there's something wrong with doing absolutely nothing about it.

You are capable of much more and more importantly responsible for where you are at in your life.

You are stronger than you give yourself credit for but you will only find that strength if you challenge it.

Just like a muscle will only get stronger when it moves more resistance than the last session (progressive overload), you will only develop as a person if you are put through something more challenging than what you are facing now.

So don't accept a life of 'it works', accept your best and nothing else!

Join Team Brock Ashby to take action and lead with the body because the mind (and your life) will follow!


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