Not Another Corny Self Help Book 🙄
This is the latest book I am reading.
I know what you're thinking, it looks like a corny self help book but I actually really dig it.​​
It's not so much about getting rich and staying rich​, although I do think financial management is an important skill, as it is getting me prepared for certain situations that I may find myself in financially, positive or negative.
Because to be honest, I don't want to be rich.
I want to be free.
There's a difference.
I have personal trained many rich people but few of them have truly been free.
Free to work when they want.
Free to travel, if they wish.
Free to work remotely.
Free to enjoy their friends and family.
Free​ to enjoy their hobbies.
And this is ultimately what I want to do for you.
I don't just want to get you to the body you want.
I want to get you to understand how to get there, so that when you get there you know stay there and live free.
I don't want you to be stuck to a meal plan for the rest of your life, I want you to understand the principals of flexible dieting​.
Nutritional freedom.
Just like I am reading not to be rich but to be free.
I want you to learn from me not only how to get the body you want​ but to be free to enjoy your life as well.
No one wants to be rich and sad or have an awesome body and hate their life.
No one.
So let me coach you the 'how' and the 'wh​y' to your body transformation, so you can get results and also live free and not be tied down to a meal plan.