Don't Be A Lemming, Be YOU πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

The biggest obstacle in our way is our self.

Our emotions.

Our rationality.

Our humanity.

But sometimes we need to overcome that to get what needs to be done, done.

Which is why a schedule is important

A schedule gives you a list that needs to get done at certain times regardless of how you try to justify it, to get yourself out of it.

"I can't train because I'm tired."

"I can't apply for new jobs because of the worldwide pandemic."

"I have it so much worse than others, how can I be positive?"

I'm not being mean or lacking empathy towards your situation, I've been through heaps of $hit too.

But you can't let that stop you from being who you want to be.

Which is why we make a plan and stick to schedules in the first place.

Not to be like a lemming and just follow the person in front of you but to be unique and achieve what YOU set out to do.


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