Is It Magic Or Is It...? 🪄
So many people wonder...
"What is the best workout to burn fat?"
"What is the best recipe to boost my metabolism?
"What's the magic exercise that gets me abs?"
You wanna know what the answer is?
"Nothing about what I do as a is magical but everything that I do is consistent, and consistency IS magic."
Read that twice!
Seriously, the best results I get as a coach is because my client has been consistent.
The results I have achieved personally, 21kg of muscle in 5 - 7 years, that has been consistency.
You don't get abs from spending one week on a diet, you get them from being consistent with your diet for months (even years).
You don't get huge biceps from one "magic exercise", you get them from training arms for years on end.
You don't become a millionaire overnight, it's years of hard work.
The same applies with your body.
Don't look for the magic but be the magic, be consistent!