The Skill That We All Need #$hitPositions

I'm really loving Jiu Jitsu.

Like really loving it.

Not just because it's a new hobby but because it really is a way of life.

Today I went to class which is a 90min class.

The structure of the class is usually 60mins technique and 30min rolling.

Rolling in Jiu Jitsu is like the equivalent of sparring in boxing

Today, we did 45mins technique and 45mins rolling which I bloody love because we're literally practicing what we are learning and applying it in real-time.

The class finished at 1:30pm and to be honest, I was just getting smoked for 45mins.

I'm still really $hit and just trying to survive out there but this is where I develop.

By getting myself into $hit positions and working my way out of them.

The $hittier the position, the more opportunity I have to develop!

So after class ended, I looked at the professor asked him for a 6min roll and absolutely got my a$$ handed to 😂😮‍💨

But if I didn't put myself in that position I wouldn't grow. So even though I knew I would get smashed, I still did it because we have to learn to seek out hardship.

Get uncomfortable.

Get into spots where you know you will lose, so you learn how to win!

So if you're struggling with where to start and what to do with your fitness goals, hit the link here.

Put yourself in a $hit position and start growing!


Got Some GOALS To Hit? Smash The 8 Week Challenge 🏆


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