Entity Vs Incremental Way Of Thinking 🤔 Hmmmm

A brilliant mind, Carol Dweck, wrote a book called 'Mindset' that lays down the foundations of the mindset I adopt daily.

The growth mindset as opposed to the fixed mindset.

But she also makes a distinction between entity and incremental theories of intelligence for children.

Children that see heir intelligence as their entity say things such as "I am smart at this" and see their intelligence as a fixed entity. Whether they are of high intelligence or not. They could also say "I am not smart at this".

Their intelligence is a thing that cannot evolve.

Children that see their intelligence as incremental are more likely to describe their results with sentences like "I got it because I worked very hard at it" or "I should have tried harder."

They sense that with hard work, difficult material can be grasped.

In a study, a group of children were noted as an entity or incremental theory of intelligence and were put through three math problems.

1. An easy one.

2. A very difficult one.

3. And another easy one.

All of the children breezed through the easy question without a sweat.

Then the difficult one they all got wrong.

But the difference was in the final question.

The children with incremental intelligence smashed the last question, just as easy as the first, but the children with an entity theory of intelligence struggled and foundered through the easy stuff.

Their self confidence had been destroyed from getting a question wrong.

The difference was not in the ability of the kids but the mindset that they carried.

Valuing the work or valuing the status of what the work brings.

To value the process of getting smarter or to value being smart.

We're all students.

The earlier we come to fall in love with the process as opposed to the outcome, the earlier we can start working on our trajectory and change our situation.

Every situation can be changed. Nothing in this life is fixed.

You're not fat. You're in the process of getting leaner.

You're not dumb. You're growing your knowledge every day.

You're not single. You're waiting to meet the right person.

You're not poor. You're in the process of acquiring wealth.

Where we are does not mean jack $hit.

What matters is where we are going!

You may be what you are today but eventually you will be the person you are striving to be tomorrow!

If you're ready to change your trajectory, click here and let's go!

No better time than today.


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