Don't Be A Pushover To The Push Of Life
Theres a push and pull in life that we fight daily.
The push to get better and improve.
The pull of comfort and contentedness.
The push is invigorating but tiring.
The pull is enticing but leads to lack of fulfilment.
But here's the signature on the dotted line, we cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.
If you want to lose weight, you have to become the person that loses weight, who is different to the person that you currently are.
If you want to be more caring, you have to become the person that listens more intently and goes out of their way to cater to other peoples needs, who is different to the person that you currently become.
If you want a girlfriend/boyfriend, you have to be the person that goes up and talks to people, who may be different to the person you are.
So if you want to see a change, be the change.
Not easy but simple.
And it only starts with one thing, action.
Taking action towards the push in your life and letting the pull in your life by the way side.
So what are you waiting for? Push this button!