Best Time To Workout In The Day 💨
I got asked this question online recently, so here's my answer.
The last thing I want to do when I wake up is work out.
I want a black coffee and to dive into my laptop to get started with work.
I like working out well caffeinated and with a couple thousand calories behind me.
I used to train first thing in the morning at about 6AM but looking back I was always half awake and could never lift the heavy weights I would when I was awake and fed.
The problem is there's so many clowns saying fasted workouts are best.
You need to train first thing in the morning.
Well... no.
No, you don't.
You just need to workout.
A workout is better than no workout.
So the best time to train is not fasted in the early AM or even when you're caffeinated and fed, which I like.
The best time to train is when you an actually make it.
When your kids are asleep at night.
Squeezing it out on your lunch break.
Whenever you can because working out is better than not working out.
That is the main thing we need to focus on, actually working out.
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