Get coached directly by Brock

Transformative one on one coaching designed for fast results and lifelong habits

If you’ve tried everything but just can’t seem to get results you deserve, it’s time to start training with a coach that you can access anytime, anywhere. Working with Brock one on one is how you can get there using the best methods and strategies to get you to your goals as fast as possible.

No nonsense, just straight to the point coaching that has transformed the bodies of thousands of people worldwide with weekly feedback and accountability, access to hours of education, personalised workouts and customised nutrition for your body on an easy to use app.

You will be 100% supported, encouraged and motivated to finally get the progress and confidence you have been working for.

How does it work?

➢ 8 week personalised workout programs for your body, your goals and to fit your schedule

➢ Exercise videos for every exercise in your workout program to ensure correct technique

➢ Customised nutrition coaching (daily calories and macros), fibre targets and step targets

➢ Several recipes for fat loss and muscle building to incorporate into your diet

➢ Weekly progress check-Ins with photos, measurements and video feedback on your progress

➢ Hours of educational videos to learn the science and methods and strategies to get the best results

➢ Continuous online support from Brock

Hear from Brock

Become another head-turning transformation


  • Brock is accessible to you via email/chat in the app, where you can ask him any questions you may have and you will have an answer in under 24 hours. You also check-in with him at the end of each week with video feedback on your progress, discussion on any changes that may need to be made and any comments that Brock wants to add.

  • The 8 Week One to One Coaching is designed for the gym access you have, whether you have a gym membership or a set of dumbbells to train with at home. If this changes at any point, or you are travelling, Brock tailors the workouts to your gym access.

  • Your workout program will be four weeks in length. Each individual workout however, will be designed around your lifestyle, goals and schedule and could vary from 45 - 90mins in duration.

  • You will always have access to the app, workout programs and calories/macros assigned to you forever. You will have access to the educational videos as long as Brock is your one to one coach.

Our Guarantee ✅

“We completely stand by the quality and value of each of our transformation programs and if you are not completely happy with what you are delivered, you can contact us for a no-fuss refund within three days.” — Brock Ashby

*Refund requests must be made within three days of a transformation program purchase by emailing explaining what aspects of the program did not meet your expectations. We seek and value customer feedback.