Reason #1048 I Want To Throw My Phone In The Ocean 📲🌊

I've got a feeling that this email will have nothing to do with fitness.

But this really bothers me.

Ads popping up on my phone telling me that I should be wondering why my friends selfies are looking "so good".

Excuse my french but f**k me, this really gets under my skin.

There is nothing wrong with this before photo.

It doesn't need to be 'after-ed'.

We really need to get a grip of who we are and embrace it.

I have a big nose and small eyes.

That's not a bad thing, or a good thing.

That's just who I am.

And if I didn't have my nose or my eyes, I wouldn't be unique.

When I begin to go bald, I'll just shave my head off.

When I begin to wrinkle, I'll take it on the chin and age gracefully.

There's something sexy about owning your flaws and something unsexy about trying to hide them.

I haven't always been this way and for sure I still have my own insecurities... Every human does.

This email is not about denying your insecurities but acknowledging we all have them and embracing what makes you... you.

I said on my instagram stories today, I'm so glad that I didn't grow up with a smartphone with ads like this popping up on my phone telling me I need to compete against other peoples selfies.

That is BS and is a big step backwards for society (but a big step forward for these companies ruining the perceptions people have about themselves).

Which is why in all my transformations I achieve with my clients and with the up and coming BBB 8 Week Challenge, the goal is never and will never be to look like 'this person' or 'that person'.

The goal is to reach the potential that my client hasn't yet reached.

We are made to be the best version of ourself, not the second best version of some stranger.

Don't ever forget that.

So if you're wanting to make a change and be a better you, join Team Brock Ashby and let's get to work!


The Simple Rules I Use To Be Happy 👇


What You Miss Out On When You're Checking Other People Out 🍑