Team Science, Reporting For Duty 🪖🎖


Today I got my first vaccination.

Pfizer, if you really wanted to know.

Everyone has an opinion on whether they're getting vaccinated or not, and what the pro's and cons are, but the science is very clear that it's effective.

And out of the few cases where the side effects have caught traction online and provoked an emotional response from many people, there are many successful cases that fly under the radar that aren't being discussed.

People love talking about something that doesn't go to plan.

Which is also why people think all diets fail and dieting is hard, when it's not if you approach it the right way.

If you include the foods you love, hit your macros and calories and get the 80% nutritious/20% delicious ratio on point, you'll have a really good chance of following your diet consistently and getting solid results.

Regardless of how we feel emotionally, the science will always win.

No matter how much you want to lose weight, if you're not in a calorie deficit, it won't happen.

So just like I am Team Science in my vaccination outlook, I am also Team Science in my body transformations.

Because regardless of how much passion, emotion and persuasion I put into my work, the science will always win.

So I choose to use it to my, and my clients, advantage as opposed to combat it with my emotions and what I think will happen.

And if you want to see what the results are like, hit the Success Stories button on my website to check out the TBA success stories.

There's plenty of them!


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