You Get What You Deserve... Don't Be Fooled
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."
I heard this today when listening to Layne Norton.
Had to steal it, it couldn't be more clear.
If you bake a cake and it tasted like poo, change the recipe.
Just like if you buy some flowers for you wife and she hates them, never buy those flowers again.
P.S. you should've figured that out by now, she's your wife.
Work a job you hate, never do it again!
Take it from someone who used to sell Jandals (thongs in AUS or flip flops in USA) for Havianas. I hated people and hated life at this time of my existence because I was spending over 1/3rd of my day doing something I wasn't passionate about.
Too much in my life, I see people persisting through things they hate and wonder why they're not getting the results they want.
And I've been there, I can't handle seeing other people in that spot!
If it doesn't work, change it!
Its not the cake... IT'S THE RECIPE!