Hiring A Coach Is Cheap... LOOK!

This is an email for the people that love numbers.

I think hiring a coach is cheap, let me explain...

For a standard gym membership here in Sydney at Fitness First it costs $1352AUD per 12 months.

If you do one 8 week cycle in Team Brock Ashby in addition to that 12 month membership it will cost $1751.95AUD per 12 months.

So instead of paying $26AUD per week, you'll pay $33.69 per week over 52 weeks.

For that extra $7.69AUD per week this is what you get:

1) More time.

Say you workout 60mins per day, I'll give you a program to get it all done in 45mins.

You won't be walking around aimlessly wondering what exercise to do, you'll have a plan.

You'll have rest periods to stick to., exercises to execute and photos/videos to do them correctly.

That's 15min saved per workout.

If you train 5x per week, that will save you 1hr 15mins per week.

That reduces your overall workout time to 195 hours per year, as opposed to 260 hours.

You just got 65 hours back of your life (2.7 days of free time).

2) More knowledge.

With access to educate yourself, there's no price on growing you knowledge,

3) More motivation.

With a purpose in the gym, motivation is at its highest.

4) More accountability.

With a coach to make sure you're doing your ACTUALLY doing your program, to make sure your measurements are moving the right way and that your technique is correct, you'll be sure to hit your training sessions for the week.

Just like when your hairdresser is waiting for you in the salon, I'll be waiting on you to report what has happened every single week.

So if more than 2 days of your life back, endless knowledge, high flying motivation and close-knit accountability to track your progress and transformation process for an extra $7AUD per week can't get you over the line, I don't know what will.


If you don't have a gym membership and want to train at home thats only $7AUD per week per 12 months as opposed to $33AUD with a gym membership.

There's no price on time, it's the only thing in the world we can't get back.

So don't waste it wondering.

Wondering what to eat, whether to do this exercise or that exercise, whether to go Keto or do Intermittent Fasting, whether to do cardio or not.

Invest that time into yourself with Team Brock Ashby and use that extra 2.7 days to do whatever the hell you want ;)


You Get What You Deserve... Don't Be Fooled


More Than Just A Big Bro