Two Fingers Is All You Need
Any body who gets migraines will relate to this email.
From a very, very young age I have suffered from migraines.
They suck.
They really, really, really suck.
The process goes a bit like this...
Stars start to appear in my vision. I see twinkles.
Then half my vision is like the milky way galaxy. All I can see is stars.
I can't even read a text message and that's when I know it's time to start seeing how I can get to a bed ASAP.
My vision slowly returns then it feels like my brain is literally bouncing off my skull every time I run my head.
Then I scramble for a sleep anywhere.
In a car, in a mates car, in a mates house, in a park. ANYWHERE!
Then I wake up and spew.
Vomit up whatever I ate for breakfast.
Then it feels like nothing happened, I feel great.
The build up to the migraine is horrendous.
The actual migraine is terrible.
Spewing up is the worst part which is followed up by several dry reaches.
I usually result to putting two fingers down my throat to chuck up whatever is left in my stomach just because I feel so much better once it's empty.
Then after a sleep I feel great.
I've tried many things to fix them, if you have any advice let me know how to fix them because it's not nice.
But what it has taught me is that there's always light at the end of the tunnel.
Through pain is joy.
Through hurt is happiness.
Through persistence is reward.
Just like through hard work comes results.
Through DOMS comes a muscle repaired stronger and bigger.
And do you know what is awesome?
You don't even need a migraine to find that out for yourself.