I'll Never Sell A Jandal Again
Before I was a Body Transformation Coach, I had many jobs.
I washed dishes, I cleaned my old church, I served food, I did scaffolding, I sang on stage in a boyband, I collected glasses, I modelled and I did TV presenting.
But one job I will never forget.
Selling Jandals.
If you don't know what a Jandal is, it's either a thong or a flip flop depending where you are from.
I worked for Havaianas selling them to people that walked into the showroom.
This started off as a great job between finding my passion but soon ended up being one of the worst jobs ever.
I began to be short with people and actually despise any human that walked into the door to potentially buy a pair of jandals.
The first week I would walk them over to the sizing mat, sell them, ask if their kids or parents need any (up-sell ;)) and politely walk them to the door as they exited with their merchandise.
The last week I pointed to the mat, stayed at the counter reading simplyshredded.com blog forums (LOL), shouted and pointed from my static position, sold them and waved good bye.
My sales ended up decreasing over time.
Do you know why?
I didn't care if they sold or not because my pay was the same.
I didn't care what material the jandals were made of that separated them from the rest of the market.
I didn't care about anything to do with Jandals and to be honest, I prefer to wear slides so I didn't even believe in the product.
I didn't want to wake up for work.
I didn't take lunch breaks because I just wanted to clock out and hit the gym.
I didn't socialise with any employees outside of work.
I didn't really like life at that time of my life either.
We have 24hrs in a day.
We spend 8 hours sleeping, 8 working and 8 doing whatever we want.
I was spending 1/3rd of my life (I worked 7 days) doing something I absolutely hated.
I was spending one half of my waking life doing something I wasn't passionate about.
Don't make the same mistake as me.
Align your life with things you love.