Just landed back in Sydney and I couldn't shake these three interactions I had with a guy called Lou at the gym back in Chicago before I left.

He was peeping at my coaching session with my client and decided to speak up.

During the middle of his training session with his personal trainer he commented how well Steve, my client, had done to transform his body the way he has in 90days.

He congratulated Steve on his hard work and dedication and praised me as his coach for orchestrating it.

The rest period came to a close and we began training as per normal after the conversation.

I finished training Steve and hit the gym floor for a workout before the big 20 hour flight back to Sydney.

While I was training Lou came back again to say how I delivered my coaching session in such a professional manner and the workout looked awesome.

I wrapped up my workout, hit the showers and as I'm getting changed [ not while I'm naked you creeps ] Lou walks past.

He looks me in the eye, shakes my hand and says you're a motivation and an inspiration to my life.

Obviously that makes me feel good but I want to put the spotlight back on Lou who looked roughly 50 years old.

He had no business with me.

He didn't have to compliment me or even bother speaking to me.

He's 50, he's got bigger things to worry about than a 25 year old personal trainer.

But he took a total of 5 precious mins over 3 interactions to make my day better.

He stepped out of his comfort zone to build me up.

Each interaction he boosted my confidence, the ability I have in myself as a professional and the way in which I conduct myself.


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