Not easy to hear but when I heard this it radically changed my way of thinking, which in turn changed the way I acted day to day.

"Everything is your fault ."

The reason you are in the job you are in is your fault.

The reason you are in the relationship you are in is your fault.

The reason you are on the income you are on is your fault.

The reason your health is where it is at is your fault.

Even if something isn't your fault, treat it like it is.

It's easy to blame everything else but yourself but the reality is we make several decisions per day and we are the byproduct of those decisions.

When we are faced with turmoil, we have a choice to rise or to fall.

When we are faced with temptation, we have a choice to give in or have discipline.

When we are faced with an opportunity, we can take it or leave it.

So what will you do with the opportunity right now you have to transform your body?


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