So yesterday was leg day...
Last night a 20min walk back home from Bondi took 45mins.
Today, I can't walk properly.
I'm so sore.
After a big day on the laptop, a big meeting, a big workout and not much food I was a bit smashed.
Big effort requires big recovery.
Don't underestimate what stress is in your life.
Whether it's psychological, physiological, to do with your career or relationships.
Stress is stress.
It plays a big factor in how we operate and we need to acknowledge it to allow us to perform our best.
With the big stress I have on my physique today, I didn't workout and I'm going to sleep at least 8 hours when I crash tonight.
With the stress of my workload tonight, I'm going to send this e-mail and call it a day.
Don't let stress dominate your life into a breakdown.
But also don't be soft.