A Quote That Could Save The Fitness Industry

Yesterday, I was perplexed with the concept that there are certain areas in life that we need to act as if we will die tomorrow and other areas in life that we need to approach with a much more long term train of thought.

*I'm sure there is a scientific theory behind this and if you know it, please reply to this email and let me know.*

I was discussing the idea with a client as we walked in our rest period and we created this quote:

"Treat your friends like you'll die tomorrow. Treat your health like tomorrow never dies."

We should always have our friends back.

Offer to pay for them.

Offer to pick them up.

Stay up late to hear them talk about their problems so they realise how small they actually are.

Fly to their wedding.

Drive 2 hours to celebrate their birthday.

Give them random gifts.

We should act like we will never see them again and do the most we can to make their lives better.

But with health, I believe the opposite approach is necessary.

We need to pretend tomorrow will never die.

That tomorrow will always come.

That doesn't mean we will be eternal and live forever, it means we will live to see another day.

Thinking this way will help us put more long term sustainable methods and strategies in place.

It may stop us from attempting these low calorie, low carb diets that make you feel like you would kill someone just to smell a loaf of bread.

It may stop us training so hard every single day, even though we hurt and can feel an injury coming on.

It may stop us form ego-lifting.

It may even stop us from searching for that quick fix and begin searching for the education that can allow us to get our results in a healthy manner and maintain them.

If you want that quick fix, I'm not your guy.

Keep scrolling through Instagram.



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