Social Sport Is Not For Me

When I was watching the rugby last Saturday there was some social touch going on on the tennis court.

"Social" touch.


Do you know that sweaty guy out sprinting the women, shouting a running commentary of the game and sweaty AF at a social sporting match.

Hello, that is me.

I can't do social sport.

Here I was darting around 10 year olds with no regrets or bad feelings inside at all with sweat dripping down my back and down my neck on my chest.

Puffing. Heavy, heavy breathing because I only know

I got like 7 tries (but who's counting?).

I had burning blisters by the end of the night because I was playing in jeans, a turtle neck and low cut casual shoes.

This resulted in a pool of blood in my shoes yesterday after I re-opened the blister and walked to work in my white shoes.

There's a time and a place to go all in and a time and place to play it more low key.

Think of it like an extreme calorie deficit.

You can dive all in and get on super low calories and train your ass off.

But you're at the risk of your testosterone dropping, your menstrual cycle going, losing your libido, starving yourself all day, low energy levels, elevated stress and a body that just never seems to recover.

You can do this however, you have to know what you're doing.

Or else you could be left limping with blisters and a pool of blood in your shoe!

There's a time and place to go extremely aggressive and other times where we must go slow and steady.


Man Like Sri!


A Quote That Could Save The Fitness Industry