Don't Try And Rip My Mates Off!

I got a phone call from my mentor back home and he had a question for me.

He was my old singing coach back home in Chch (short version of Christchurch).

He just started a new fitness journey with a boxing movement (I won’t state the name because I’m not here to throw shade on anyone).

The whole concept is that he uses boxing as the form of exercise and follows a diet plan to get to his goals.

His goal is weight loss, so he is trying to create a calorie deficit.

Keep in mind he has tried going vegan, vegetarian and intermittent fasting before.

As I was listening to his story I was getting excited... until he asked me his question.

"Brocky [my nickname to my family], do I need to take *insert fat burners name here*?"

My spider sense starts tingling.

"Well, why has he said to take it?" I said.

"One of the trainers said to take it as a pre workout."

"You can just have coffee like you normally do."

"The trainer said I should cut my coffee down from two per day to one and replace one of the coffees with *insert fat burner here* but I don’t want to put artificial sweeteners inside my body."

"By any chance, if you buy it through your personal trainer does he get you a discount?"

"Oh..... yeah."

He finally understood where I was coming from.

This trainer was denying my mentor of what he habitually does on a daily basis to gain financially on his lack of knowledge.

As personal trainers out job is to intervene when necessary, not replace a coffee that already contains caffeine with a "fat burner" that does the same thing as a coffee would for financial gain.

Knowledge is power.

I may not offer you my phone number but what I can offer you is my coaching platform to help educate you on if you’re getting ripped off or not :)


Here's The Truth


This Quote Could Save Just About Everyone Addicted To Instagram