If You Don't Wear A Retainer, You Need To
When I was younger, my teeth began doing weird things.
At 11 years old, I had this monster caveman tooth grow between my two front teeth.
My two front teeth had a gap so big I could put a NZ $2 coin in it.
I had to undergo surgery and I was put to sleep for it.
It got removed and then my two front teeth went crooked to over compensate for the gap.
I had crooked teeth.
Which aren't fun when you're in high school then go on to do some modelling, TV presenter and singing work, where your look is something you are judged on immediately by the audience.
I kind of didn't fully smile all the time.
Just a little one every now and then.
I guess you could say that was an insecurity of mine growing up.
I didn't get braces because they were too expensive for my family growing up, so I had to put up with it.
So as soon as I moved to Sydney I spent about $8,000 on my teeth.
I used Invisalign which is kind of like a clear mouth guard you wear all day to put your teeth into a desired shape.
The dentists take a mould of your current teeth and then project what teeth you want as a finished result.
As weeks go by you change the moulds every 14 days to one that is closer to the final result.
Side note: I changed my moulds every 10 days to beat the system and get it done quicker. It was more painful but successful. #lifehack
My gums did bleed but you could say that in some areas of life I am very impatient.
I wore them for approximately two years for 22 hours of the day.
It sucked.
I would put them in, take them out, eat, brush my teeth and repeat that all day for 2 years.
It would be so annoying to explain when I was dating, when I was training clients, when I was meeting new people and especially when I was eating.
Anyway, I got the result and now I wear this retainer every night to keep them in place.
When I was younger, my teeth began doing weird things.
At 11 years old, I had this monster caveman tooth grow between my two front teeth.
My two front teeth had a gap so big I could put a NZ $2 coin in it.
I had to undergo surgery and I was put to sleep for it.
It got removed and then my two front teeth went crooked to over compensate for the gap.
I had crooked teeth.
Which aren't fun when you're in high school then go on to do some modelling, TV presenter and singing work, where your look is something you are judged on immediately by the audience.
I kind of didn't fully smile all the time.
Just a little one every now and then.
I guess you could say that was an insecurity of mine growing up.
I didn't get braces because they were too expensive for my family growing up, so I had to put up with it.
So as soon as I moved to Sydney I spent about $8,000 on my teeth.
I used Invisalign which is kind of like a clear mouthguard you wear all day to put your teeth into a desired shape.
The dentists take a mould of your current teeth and then project what teeth you want as a finished result.
As weeks go by you change the moulds every 14 days to one that is closer to the final result.
Side note: I changed my moulds every 10 days to beat the system and get it done quicker. It was more painful but succesful. #lifehack
My gums did bleed but you could say that in some areas of life I am very impatient.
I wore them for approximately two years for 22 hours of the day.
It sucked.
I would put them in, take them out, eat, brush my teeth and repeat that all day for 2 years.
It would be so annoying to explain when I was dating, when I was training clients, when I was meeting new people and especially when I was eating.
Anyway, I got the result and now I wear this retainer every night to keep them in place.
Even though I did 2 years of work to get my teeth where they are today, they are with me for life and I still need to educate them where they need to be sitting.
You can't expect a lifetime of results for 2 weeks of hard work.
You need to make daily habits to encourage daily progress.
Your results are proportionate to your work.
You can't expect a 2 week diet to fix a lifetime of poor nutrition.
You can't expect a 2 week vacation to Mykonos to fix a lifetime of poor communication between boyfriend and girlfriend.
You can't expect 2 weeks of Crossfit to burn off a lifetime of fat caused from a sedentary lifestyle.
Just like I put my retainer in every night to keep my teeth straight, you need to find daily habits to make daily progress and keep yourself in check.