Over And Over And Over Again
Alarm went off at 5:15am today.
Slept at somewhere close to 11:30pm last night.
Last thing I want to do is get up before sunrise.
I want to turn my alarm off, stay warm in my bed and wake as fresh as a daisy at 9am but you know what?
I heard a saying that changed my life a couple of months ago...
This saying just won’t let me be lazy, it won’t let me hit snooze and it definitely won’t let me cut corners.
"Success is doing the things you don’t want to do. Over and over again!"
I’m not saying I didn’t want to go in and train my client at 6am...
I love what I do and give my all to my career.
But I’m human...
I get tired...
I stay up too late...
I procrastinate...
I prioritise wrong things sometimes...
But making a habit of taking the road less travelled is ultimately what will bring success in our lives.
Just like sometimes we don’t want to to do 20 reps of an exercise... we want to do 12 reps.
Sometimes we don’t want to do 45mins of cardio... we want to do 15mins.
Sometimes we don’t want to study an extra hour... we want to go a café with friends.
But like every client of mine that has trained with me as a client would testify, doing what you don’t want to do over and over again brings you results!
Following a program gets results!
Following daily calories and macros brings results!
Checking in every week with me as a coach brings results!
Having a strategic structure to achieve your goals brings results!
Yes, it requires work, it requires investment and it may not even be something you "want to do" but the question is... Do you want to be successful in achieving your body goals?
Do you want results?
That's what I thought.
You wouldn't be reading this email if you wanted to be average.