This Is Just As Bad As Texting And Driving

Texting and driving is illegal.

So it should be.

People are dying and families are losing loved ones.

But do you want to know what is a big no no?

Texting and working out.

Gains are dying.

Men and women are losing progress.

Emails are a black hole that you can’t get out of.

Text messages are ping pong balls bouncing back and forth that just never stop rallying.

What’s app conversations are time vacuums, sucking up your rest periods.

Your phone has the power to track your workouts, time your rest periods and empower you with high BPM music or educational podcasts.

Your phone also has the power to distract your mind, throw you off and suck your intensity.

You don’t need to put it on aeroplane mode and leave it in the locker room but you have to be aware of the power this device has on you.

Use it for good and not evil.

Good develops you and evil consumes you.


Stop Complaining, You Do It Too


Words Only Do So Much...