I Have Given Up Personal Training


Today the only steps I have done are from the kitchen back to my desk.

I'm in the process of editing and uploading over 400 videos on exercises, nutrition and lifestyle to the new Team Brock Ashby website that will be finished very soon.

I don't believe being successful in whatever you do is doing what you love.

Sometimes it's doing the stuff you don't love, like editing videos for over 8 hours a day.

I'm not a videographer or a web developer at all but recently I've felt more like one of them than a personal trainer.

But to become the best personal trainer I can be tomorrow, I need to be doing this today.

Just like to lose weight, sometimes you have to snack on carrots instead of magnum ice creams.

Sometimes you have to workout instead of sleeping in.

Sometimes you have to drink water instead of red wine.

"The better you get at doing what you need to do, will make you better at doing what you want to do."
B, Ashby 2019


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