Some Things Have To Change...

Yesterday I made some big changes to my gratitude letter.

I’m grateful for more things.

I have bigger goals outside of the fences of business and self development (which is big for me).

If you don’t know what a gratitude letter is.

This is what it is for me, in this exact order...

I thank God (or whoever’s listening: The Universe, My mother etc) for everything I’m grateful for.

I declare to Him what sort of person I want to be.

I ask Him for what I want in life.

I read scriptures over my life also (about 10 of them at the moment)

I do this every single morning.

It’s fundamental to me having a great day.

It’s cements me in who I am, who I aspire to be and what I want my life to be like.

I have to dream a bit wider and a bit bigger this year.

A few goal posts had to move.

Truth is, if I was reading the same gratitude letter as last year, I’m a failure.

If I’m asking for the same things in 2020, that I was in 2019. I haven’t grown.

I’m just a ‘Law of Attraction’ airhead that hopes and dreams living in Airy Fairy Land.

I achieved a ton in 2020 but not everything happened for me last year that I wanted to happen.

That’s because I dreamt too big and set goals that were too steep.

But hear me out...

I would rather set the standard high, so I push myself beyond my capability. As opposed to setting the bar low and feeling like a superstar at 10% of my potential.

You can fool yourself but you can never fool your potential.

Our potential never changes.

But the less we step into it, the less potential we have.

Because wherever we set the bar, we don’t drift very far from it.

So if you're sitting there staring at the same goals and ambitions of 2019 like I was for half of January.

Change that right now.

If you're not going forwards, you're going backwards!


Never Stop


A Brave Cock