The Team Brock Ashby Website Is Finally Live!
The Team Brock Ashby website is finally finished.
Two years of talking about it, over $75,000 later and the first version of Team Brock Ashby is finally live.
Over 400 exercises, 80 recipes, an abundance of educate videos to watch are on the site.
Each exercise has a how to video so you know exactly how to do an exercise.
Every recipe has an ingredient list and a method to make it.
You have the ability to track your progress, compare your progress and even make transformation photos.
And this is only the first version with more content to be posted week after week!
There's three different memberships:
1) Free trial.
There's finally a FREE TRIAL with access to all the features on the website.
2) Standard membership.
Access to all the features and content.
3) Premium membership.
Access to all the features, content, a personalised program and weekly check-ins.