Best $200 Spent In My Life

My website guy James, gave me his car for 3 days to use while I was in the GC.

He gave it to me at 1/2 a tank.

I used it for 3 days and it was at about 1/4 tank.

I went to the gas station to fill it up today to give it back at a full tank.

I put the diesel in and started going for it.

Last time I filled it up it cost $100, fair enough.

This time it got to $100 and kept going...

Interesting, I let it keep going. Surely it’ll stop at $120, I told myself.

I get to $120 and it keeps going.




I stop the diesel from flowing and check if the fuels actually coming out and it’s not just charging me for little drops of diesel. It’s definitely flowing.

I keep going...




I promised myself I would return him a full tank, I was determined to give it back to him full.



It stops.

$200AUD for a full tank. WTF??????

Anyway, I pay for it, smash a workout and meet him at the airport to drop his ride off.

I’m waiting for my flight and he calls me and says man you didn’t have to fill up my car, I’ve got two petrol tanks that would’ve cost you heaps! What’s the damage?

I didn’t tell him the damage and told him to forget about it and enjoy it ;)

I’m not telling you this to make me seem like a nice guy, I’m really not.

I’m telling you this because doing the right thing is always the right thing. If that voice inside your stomach (that’s where mine is), tells you to do something... DO IT!

This weekend, I paid for James’ lunches every day, bought my family extra ice cream on Saturday, filled James’ tank up. That’s over $400 that little voice in my stomach cost me.

But do I care?

Hell no. I did what felt right for me.

Were they smart business ROI decisions?

Probably not but once again it just feels right.

There’s no free-er (not sure if that’s a word) feeling than doing what feels right in your stomach.

If it doesn’t nudge you in my direction. Don’t do it. You’re not at the right time in your life to do it. I’ll see you later on down the track ;)


I’m pretty sure Gary Vee said that sometime in 2017-2018.


An Unforgettable Uber Driver


Life Lessons From a 2 Year Old