2020 is only two months deep and I feel I have learnt the most in these two months that I have in the last two years of my life.

I felt everything weighed on my shoulders.

I felt everything was my fault.

I felt I was the only one who had felt this adversity.

But Kiki sent me this message when I needed it the most.

It went a lil something like this.

1) Kiki is an amazing, selfless, thoughtful woman. Once you find that one that loves you more than you love yourself, don't let her [or him] go.  2) Though I felt alone and like I was the only one dealing with my problem, I wasn't and I'm not.  Many…

1) Kiki is an amazing, selfless, thoughtful woman. Once you find that one that loves you more than you love yourself, don't let her [or him] go.

2) Though I felt alone and like I was the only one dealing with my problem, I wasn't and I'm not.

Many people have faced adversity and overcome it.




Three of many success stories overcoming hardship.

Just because you feel alone, doesn't mean you are.

There's other people that have struggled to lose that last part of stubborn belly fat.

There's other people that feel like they can't build muscle and have been trying for years.

There's other people that feel like they have tried personal training before and it hasn't worked.

There's other people that feel like online personal training is a scam.

But I have two things to say to that:

1) Most of these people have been transformed into successful transformations in Team Brock Ashby.

2) You're one message away form a mindset shift.

Just like Kiki kicked me in the ass with this text message, I'm kicking you in the ass with this email.

You're better than what you're facing and many people have faced worse things.

You're capable and you're not alone.


My New Obsession


Fit This Description And You're Mine