COVID-19 has divided the fitness community into two.

Group 1: The 'What's the pointers'.

Their name is derived from their favourite saying, "What's the point?".

E.g. Their friend: "Let's do a zoom session workout together!"

Their reply: "What's the point? Let's just wait until the gyms reopen."

They see what they don't have as opposed what they do have.

Then there's the other group, Group 2: The Sleeve Rollers.

Their name is derived from their tendency to 'roll up their sleeves' when it gets tough.

They're the ones going for runs now that they can't jog on a treadmill anymore.

They're the ones doing band workouts in their living room because they don't have access to dumbbells or barbells.

The ones still coaching with their online coach or face to face personal trainer.

You see, Group 2 get it.

Behind the mountains there are more mountains.

Or in todays world, behind the coronavirus is another obstacle stopping you from doing what you want to do.

If you think this pandemic is the worst thing that happened to you, you could be right, it may be.

But chances are there are many more crises due to happen in your life.

They could be in the outside world like a pandemic or internal like a mid life crisis due to a divorce or death in the family.

By no means am I wishing this upon you or hoping bad things happen to you.

I'm waking you up to the fact that we don't overcome an obstacle to enter the land of no obstacles.



Spag Bol For Breakfast #sorrynotsorry


On The Band Wagon