Spag Bol For Breakfast #sorrynotsorry
This was my breakfast today.
Spaghetti Bolognese with melted cheese on top.
Not a typical "fitness" breakfast but you know what?
F*tness is bullshit sometimes.
I'm sick of people feeling like a failure just because they had some comfort food every now and then.
One bad meal doesn't make a bad diet just like one bad day doesn't make a bad week.
A series of meals make a diet and seven days total a week.
The thing is, this isn't even a bad meal.
If I have high protein meals for the rest of the day and reduce my fat, I can still have a "perfect" day of eating within my calories and macros.
Even with a Big Mac from McDonalds I could still make it work.
A meal doesn't need to have Kale in it to be in your meal plan.
"PRO TIP: If you stir coconut oil into your kale it makes it easier to scrape in the trash."
If you want to eat like a rabbit you can #yawn
But if you want to eat flexibly and create a diet that suits your taste buds and lifestyle, you must know the principles of nutrition.
Knowledge of principles allow you to choose the method.
I teach these in Team Brock Ashby.
P.s Oh and I put that in a wrap and had a Spag Bol wrap 🤩#lifeistooshort