Throwing A 30th Party In COVID Times
Today I went to a 30th Birthday.
Probably the shortest one I have been to as well.
Oh and probably the smallest, only 29 people.
It was crowded too.
Although there wasn't many people, there wasn't much space.
We were talking over each other at almost every word.
We even had birthday music and tears.
I know we shouldn't have really had 29 people in one room at this time with COVID but how many times do you get a chance to celebrate a 30th?
The zoom call was a hit.
Relax, relax...
Times have changed.
Birthdays are different, even giving birth!
A friend of mine had a baby a couple of days ago and the husband couldn't even be in the same room!
Now that's messed up.
But as much as we wish things were different, they won't be for now.
All we can control are the things that we have control over.
We can control what goes into our mouth, how active our bodies are and how we approach every day.
We can choose to "start up properly when gyms open up" or we can keep making progress like every single one of the Team Brock Ashby members.
It's tough but we're tougher.
Time is short but life is shorter in the bigger picture.
Best spend it feeling awesome and looking awesome.
Once this all blows over, there will still be things to take you away from your health.
If you think life will be full of rainbows and fairy fluff after COVID-19 you're living in a fantasy land.
Sure it will be better, you may go back to work, get your income back and get the kids out of your hair but your health will still need effort and prioritisation.
There's no better time to perfect it than now.